About Healing The Shadow

We believe, in Healing The Shadow, that all parts of us are trying to help us in some way. In a Healing The Shadow session, you are invited to find and explore aspects of yourself that you find hard to accept or that are currently hidden; to discover more about these parts and start to bring healing to the deep emotional wounds that caused them to go into shadow in the first place (ie to become hidden from our conscious awareness). As you become aware of - and more comfortable with - these sides of you, their purpose and value can become clearer, allowing you a greater sense of ease in both your inner world and your day to day or professional life. Shadow work can free up significant amounts of our power and energy - which may have become locked away in the shadow parts of us. We use specific processes and tools in symbolic ‘carpet work’ (go to The Sessions) to facilitate deep change and healing.

Podcast, shadow work.

What issues can I work on?

The range of issues that people bring to this powerful, transformative work is wide. This shadow work is trauma centric and is appropriate for working with, amongst others, issues such as childhood trauma, anger, anxiety, relationship difficulties, parenting challenges and workplace blocks and challenges. Some clients approach shadow work feeling listless, hopeless, frustrated, sad or even just confused in their day to day life. Some say that shadow work is done on a need to do basis - it becomes interesting when other therapies and techniques aren’t facilitating the changes that we want (or need) to feel.

It can also be valuable to do Healing The Shadow work as part of your wider therapeutic journey that perhaps includes bodywork, or alongside Trauma Therapy.

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Introduction to Healing The Shadow - 10 short films

Healing The Shadow Practitioner Training